Explore the projects

Ensuring contractual security.

Comprehensive advice on the sale of a company.
Ensuring contractual security.

Efficient legal strategies in a case of international agency contract in the paper industry.

Advising a company in the paper industry in negotiating a settlement agreement with a commercial agent without a written contract, avoiding legal proceedings abroad.
Efficient legal strategies in a case of international agency contract in the paper industry.

Comprehensive Labour Management for the Igualada Sociosanitary Consortium: A Commitment to Care Quality.

Labour management of professionals in a company in the social and health care sector
Comprehensive Labour Management for the Igualada Sociosanitary Consortium: A Commitment to Care Quality.

Ensuring Efficient Labour Management for a Leading Company in the Industrial Sector

Outsourcing of Labour Management.
Ensuring Efficient Labour Management for a Leading Company in the Industrial Sector

Labour Management for Saving Human Lives.

Labour management of professionals providing services in the non-profit activity dedicated to maritime rescue of vulnerable people in emergency situations.
Labour Management for Saving Human Lives.

Optimizing Labour Management for an Activity with Significant Seasonal Staff Variations

Labour Management for Professionals Providing Aquatic Lifeguard Services.
Optimizing Labour Management for an Activity with Significant Seasonal Staff Variations

Implementing Equality Plans as an Opportunity to Promote Improvements in Companies

The project consisted of advising the company on implementing measures to improve the creation of equitable professional environments, where equality of opportunity between women and men was a reality. The goal was to help the company establish non-discrimination policies and promote gender equality in all its areas.
Implementing Equality Plans as an Opportunity to Promote Improvements in Companies