Rosa Maria Llobet i Cirera

Labour advisor
Rosa Maria Llobet i Cirera

Labour advisor Rosa Maria Llobet i Cirera is a professional in the field of labour with extensive experience, known for her commitment and passion in helping businesses navigate the complex world of labour. With a comprehensive vision, she understands that the success of any organization is based on efficient labour management that emphasizes the importance of human relationships and the creation of a healthy work environment.

As she emphasizes:

"We are people in the service of people."

Her relationship with clients is based on trust, transparency, and communication. She actively listens to their concerns and goals, offering personalized support and practical solutions to address their labour challenges.

As a part of the Labor Department team, her unwavering dedication, positive attitude, and ability to work as a team make her a valued and respected professional in her field. Her contributions help businesses improve their competitiveness and achieve sustainable growth.




We are by your side in the day-to-day running of your business.

Management | We are by your side in the day-to-day running of your business.